Child's Play: 4 Fun Ways to Decorate Kids' Rooms with Art

Child's Play: 4 Fun Ways to Decorate Kids' Rooms with Art

Decorating a child's room can be a delightful project, a creative journey that delights both young hearts and grows right alongside them. It's a unique opportunity to blend playfulness with functionality, color with comfort, and most importantly, to sprinkle in the wonder of art. Let's dive into four fun, imaginative ways to decorate kids’ rooms with art, transforming their spaces into enchanting havens of creativity and joy.

1. Art That Grows with Them

Stimulate Imagination with Interactive Art

Have you ever thought about how interactive art could stir up excitement in a child’s room? Think along the lines of magnetic paint for a wall they can stick their favorite characters to, or chalkboard paint for those endless doodling sessions. Imagine a wall that’s not just a wall, but a canvas for their ever-evolving imagination. Incorporating these interactive elements allows art to be a hands-on experience, fostering creativity and making their room a fun, engaging space to play and learn.

2. Themes That Spark Joy

Curating a World of Wonder

Diving into themes can be a game-changer when decorating with art. Whether it's a fascination with the cosmos, a love for the animal kingdom, or an aspiring pirate adventurer, themes can guide the selection of artworks that resonate with your child’s dreams and interests. By choosing art that mirrors their passions, you create a personalized sanctuary that they’re excited to call their own. It’s about creating a space where every corner tells a story, every piece of art an invitation to dream.

3. Functional Art Pieces

Blending Beauty with Utility

Who says art has to hang on the wall and play no practical role? Think of lampshades that cast playful shadows, bed linens that narrate a bedtime story, or storage boxes that are colorful masterpieces. Functional art pieces serve a dual purpose—they enhance the room's aesthetics while fulfilling a practical need. This approach to decorating with art ensures that even the most mundane objects contribute to the room's magical ambiance.

4. Galleries of Their Own Making

Showcase Their Masterpieces

Let’s face it, children create a lot of art. From scribbles to more intricate drawings as they grow, these pieces are expressions of their developing personality. Why not dedicate a space in their room for a rotating gallery of their work? It could be as simple as a string with clips to hang their latest masterpieces or frames that can be easily opened to switch out artworks. This not only celebrates their creativity but also boosts their confidence, showing them that their work has value and deserves a special spot in their very own art gallery.


Decorating a child’s room with art isn’t just about splashing colors or hanging pictures. It’s an invitation to explore, to dream big, and to express themselves in the most creative ways. As you embark on this decorating adventure, remember, the goal is to create a space that reflects their personality, sparks their imagination, and grows with them. So, let’s get creative, let’s get playful, and turn those rooms into inspiring spaces full of art and heart.


1. How do I choose the right theme for my child’s room?
Listen to your child's interests and passions. Observe the stories they're drawn to, the games they love to play, and even the characters they admire. These will give you hints toward a theme that will truly resonate with them.

2. Can art in a child's room be educational?
Absolutely! Art can be a subtle yet powerful educational tool, depicting numbers, letters, maps, or even historical scenes in a fun, engaging way. It's all about choosing pieces that blend learning with visual appeal.

3. How often should I update the art in my child's room?
There's no set rule, but it's a good idea to revisit and possibly update the art as your child grows and their interests evolve. Making it an annual or bi-annual project can be a fun way to keep the space vibrant and reflective of their current passions.

4. Are there any safety concerns with hanging art in a child's room?
Safety first! Always opt for lightweight frames, secure them properly to the wall, and avoid glass fronts that could shatter. For younger kids, wall decals can be a safer alternative to traditional framed art.

5. How do I turn my child's art into wall décor?
There are many creative ways to display your child's art, from classic frames to modern photo clips, digital scanning and enlargement, or even custom-printed canvases for a professional touch.

6. What if my child has multiple interests?
Celebrate the diversity! A mix-and-match approach can work beautifully, creating a rich tapestry of art that reflects the full spectrum of your child's interests. Cohesion can be achieved with consistent framing or layout.

7. How can I involve my child in the decorating process?
Encourage them to pick out the art they love, decide on placements, or even contribute their own creations. This not only makes the process more enjoyable but ensures the final design truly reflects their personality.

8. Is it expensive to decorate a child's room with art?
It doesn't have to be! From affordable prints and posters to DIY projects and showcasing homemade art, there are options for every budget. The key is creativity, not cost.

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